23 September 2006

Quotes from the brain trust

Local upstart paper The Independent, known to some as the Spindy, is running another one of its Greatest Journalistic Endeavours in the History of the Universe (copyright pending).

The last one was a "balance sheet" of Confederation that demonstrated that the Spindy reporters who put it together never in their lives took a course in basic economics or accounting or at least never passed said course.

In the latest venture, the Spindy crew pulled together a blue ribbon panel to discuss new terms of union between Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador. Yes, yes, before you say it, the thing is an exercise in intellectual masturbation, but hey, it's the Spindy's schtick so ya gotta let 'em do it. No one is getting hurt, unless you count the likelihood you could get repetitive strained-reality syndrome from reading the thing.

Anyway, here are a few comments on the panel, categorized by subject. Drop a toonie and buy the whole paper for yourself, if you want to get it all. [Update - And for those who might wonder what the whole thing said or who might not be able to get a hardcopy, you will find the full story - if they post it - at www.theindependent.ca. The irony of that domain should not be lost on anyone.

The remarks below given in quotation marks are direct quotes taken from the Indy story. The categories are mine.]

A. Separatists in the Bunch

- Peg Norman, former federal New Democrat candidate: "If I had my druthers, we'd be independent."

- Andy Wells, mayor of St. John's, responding to a rhetorical question about where Canada would "bes" in two decades: "I hope it bes without Newfoundland."

Spindy publisher Brian Dobbin: "If we get back more resources and more territory, screw Canada!"

B. Bloc-heads

Much of the convo seems to have revolved around creation of a bloc of members in parliament from Newfoundland and Labrador. Strong proponents of the Blochead faction included:

- Former Liberal Premier Roger Grimes

- Andy Wells

C. Not fit for it

Spindy publisher Brian Dobbin offered a couple of interesting observations that stand out since they raise more questions than anything else.

On the provincial government, Dobbin apparently feels we should do away with having a cabinet made up of the elected representatives of the people. Dobbin'd rather have a "professional government", as he described it.
"If you elect a premier and the premier could select his ministers and those ministers had five years to actually do something..."
In the same vein, Dobbin offered the view that "[o]ur political system doesn't fit with an island of 500,000 people". Democracy doesn't fit? Electing people doesn't fit? Sadly, Dobbin didn't explain how our political system isn't working but it is pretty clear how he views Labrador.

Then a little later, Dobbin offered this comment in an exchange about the relationship between Newfoundland and Labrador and Canada in the context of the federal political system:

"If we get back more resources and more territory, screw Canada! Just change our own policies is all we need."

Hmmm. Since Newfoundland and Labrador never lost any resources or territory it makes one wonder what exactly Dobbin is on about in this instance. He might be talking about the offshore for resources. But territory?

D. Party-liner

Nancy Riche, who seemed obsessed with proportional representation.

E. The One-Note-Samba King

Gus Etchegary, whose efforts in retirement to foist blame for the fisheries collapse on others eerily mimics similar efforts by Bob MacNamara's similar geriatric obsession.

Gus' buddy Sue is calling for a public inquiry in the collapse of the cod stocks. She should be careful since the blame will likely not fall where Gus and others want or think it would fall.

Say the word highgrade to a 1970s and 80s vintage Newfoundland fish processor and see what happens. Hint: That excuse didn't work at Nuremberg.

F. Unabashed Canadian and Voice of Reason

John Crosbie, the former federal representative to Newfoundland and Labrador. Yes, yes. I am surprised as anyone would be, but Crosbie's comments on every topic the group discussed were rational and based on his experience of being there, doing it and designing the tee shirts.

In his usual way, Crosbie gave too many quotes to list them all. Let's just go with the one that sums up his view of the entire business of Newfoundland separatism and the sort of policies advocated by some of the Spindy panel's members:
We were separate before and we gave it up because it was too difficult for the ordinary person. You had to work like a maniac to survive. Why would anyone vote to separate? This is all just St. John's bullshit talk.
Amen, John, Amen.

Townie bullshit it is, indeed.